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Found 36 results. Showing 2 of 2 pages.

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Mm”) and Word (music) #2

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Mm” and the word music.

Letter Molds (“Ii”)

Have children press “Ii” letter molds into the sand. Encourage them to use their fingers to make the letters in the sand as well.

Letter Molds (“Jj”), (“Ll”)

Have children press“Jj” letter molds into the sand. Encourage them to use their fingers to make the letters. Repeat with the letter “Ll.”

Letter Molds (“Mm”)

Have children press“Mm” letter molds into the sand. Encourage them to use their fingers to make the letters in the sand as well.

Letter Shaping (“Ii”)

Display the letter “Ii” card and show children how to use various materials to shape the uppercase and lowercase letters.

Letter Shaping (“Jj”), (“Ll”)

Display the letter “Jj” card and show children how to use various materials to shape the uppercase and lowercase letters.  Repeat for letter “Ll.”

Letter Shaping (“Mm”)

Display the letter “Mm” card and show children how to use various materials to shape the uppercase and lowercase letters.

Letter Sort (“Ii”)

Use the Letter Sort Routine to help children recognize the uppercase and lowercase letter “Ii.”

Letter Sort (“Mm”)

Use the Letter Sort Routine to help children recognize the uppercase and lowercase letter “Mm.”

Review the Week Together: Unit 4, Week 2

Display the rubber band instruments and tubes and have children demonstrate sounds they have learned. Encourage them to change the volume, pitch, and timbre of their sounds.

Watch Together: “Lions Jabber, Jig, Jog” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Lions Jabbering, Doing a Jig, and Jogging.” Pause to explain the words jabber, jig, and jog as you watch the video.

Watch Together: “What’s Your Name? (i)” #1 (BTL clip)

Watch a short Between the Lions video about the letter “i.” Ask children to look for the uppercase and lowercase “Ii” on the screen.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: moon–mouse–mice” #1 (BTL clip)

Have children draw the letter “m” and repeat the words that begin with the letter “m” as they watch a short video clip. 

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘l’” (BTL clip)

Watch the Between the Lions video clip  “Words Beginning with the letter ‘l’.” Ask children to notice the letter “l” when it appears on the screen.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘m’” (BTL clip)

Watch a short video clip about the letter “Mm.”  Have children hold up their letter “Mm” card whenever they see the letter “Mm” on the screen.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/m/)

Use the Tell Me What You Hear Routine to help children recognize the /m/ sound in the beginning of familiar words.

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