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Found 28 results. Showing 2 of 2 pages.

Sing Together: “My Mom Makes Music”

Teach children a chant, “My Mom Makes Music.” Invite children to pluck their guitar each time they hear a word beginning with the /m/ sound.

Sing Together: “Rainbow Song”

Sing a song about the rainbow, allowing children to play the part of one of the colors.

Sing Together: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”

Divide children into two groups and sing the song as a round.

Sing Together: “The Wheels on the Bus” #2

Sing the “Wheels on the Bus. Encourage the children to make up new lyrics for a different machine, place, or animal.

Sing Together: “The Wheels on the Bus” #3

Discuss how a bus moves from place to place on wheels and then sing a song about a bus and act out the motions.

Sing Together: “This Is the Way We Build a House”

Discuss the different tools used in building a house. Invite children to sing and act out “This is the Way We Build a House.”

Sing Together: “Traffic Light”

Sing a song about traffic lights focusing on the different colors and their meanings.

Talk Together: I Can Do It!

Review the story The Little Engine That Could. Have children share a time they were afraid to go down an inclined plane.

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