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  • Ramps & Rolling

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Found 27 results. Showing 2 of 2 pages.

Recite Together: “Zoom, Zoom, Zoom”

Teach children the chant “Zoom, Zoom, Zoom.” Recite the chant with movements and invite children to join you.

Sing Together: “Alphabet Hokey Pokey” #2

Children move their “Dd” or “Ee” letter card in and out of the circle as they sing the "Alphabet Hokey Pokey" song.

Sing Together: “Climb On!”

Discuss the children’s experiences on sleds. Sing the song about a sled.

Sing Together: “Keep on Trying”

Have children make comparisons as you reread the story The Little Engine That Could. Sing the song “Keep on Trying.”

Sing Together: “She’ll Be Rolling”

Have children act out the motions, and clap as you sing the song. Invite children to write additional verses to the song.

Sing Together: “The Wheels on the Train”

Have children share what they know about trains and think about how trains move on the tracks. Sing the song with children.

Sing Together: “There Were Ten in the Bed”

Sing the song and model hand motions to look like you are sleeping.

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