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Found 27 results. Showing 2 of 2 pages.

Play Together: Train Time

Have groups act out different characters (trains) from The Little Engine That Could. Find a hill or a low ramp to use as the mountain.

Play Together: Volume Control

Play a game with children where they raise and lower the volume of their voices. Use cardboard remote controls to adjust others’ volumes.

Play Together: Who Took the Potato?

Play this adaptation of “Doggie, Doggie, Your Bone is Gone” to help children build listening skills.

Play Together: “X” Marks the Spot

Have children play the letter card game to get to the “X” spot.

Read Together: A Fruit Is a Suitcase for Seeds #2

Reread the story and focus children on different ways a seed can travel from one place to another.

Small Group: Find the Sound

Play a listening game with children to have them practice using their sense of hearing to find the source of sounds.

Small Group: Off to the Library

Have children take a trip to the pretend library.

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