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Found 44 results. Showing 2 of 3 pages.

Watch Together: "Word Morph: quarter–quail–quill–quilt" (BTL clip)

Watch a  video clip about the letter "q" and have children call out "q" when they see the letter on the screen.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: six–sax–fax–fox–box” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between The Lions “Word Morph: six-sax-fax-fox-box.” Clarify any words children do not know.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: sun–salt–sock–soap” (BTL clip)

Watch a Between the Lions video clip about the letter “Ss.” 

Watch Together: “Word Morph: walnut–wave–wave” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions videoWord Morph: walnut-wave-wave.” Have children listen for the /w/ sounds.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: yell–yellow–yo-yo” (BTL clip)

Watch a Between the Lions video and learn about the letter “Yy.”

Watch Together: “Word Morph: zero–zebra–zinnia” (BTL clip)

Watch a Between the Lions video clip about the letter “z” and pause after each word so children can repeat the word and identify the letter “z.”

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘d’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘d.’” Have children repeat the /d/ words.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘f’” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between the Lions “Words Beginning with ‘f.’” Have children repeat the /f/ words.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘g’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘g’.” Have children listen for /g/ words.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘h’” (BTL clip)

Review /h/ by saying the word hill and emphasizing the beginning /h/ sound before watching Between the Lions “Words Beginning with ‘h.’”

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘k’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘k’.” Have children listen for /k/ words.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘l’” (BTL clip)

Watch the Between the Lions video clip  “Words Beginning with the letter ‘l’.” Ask children to notice the letter “l” when it appears on the screen.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘m’” (BTL clip)

Watch a short video clip about the letter “Mm.”  Have children hold up their letter “Mm” card whenever they see the letter “Mm” on the screen.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘n’” (BTL clip)

Show the video clip Between the Lions “Words Beginning with ‘n'” and have children repeat the words on the screen.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘q’” (BTL clip)

Show the video clip Between the Lions  “Words Beginning with ‘q’” and have children repeat the words during a second viewing.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘s’” #2 (BTL clip)

Play the video clip Between the Lions “Words Beginning with ‘s’” and have children listen for words that begin with /s/.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘t’” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between The Lions “Words Beginning with ‘t’.” Have children identify the instruments that begin with the letter "t."

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘v’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘v.’” Have children repeat the /v/ words. 

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘w’” (BTL clip)

Watch the video Between the Lions “Words Beginning with ‘w.’ Have children wave each time they see the letter “w.”

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘x’” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between the Lions “Words Beginning with ‘x.’” Have children say the words with the letter ‘x’ as they appear on the screen.

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