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  • Plants We Eat


  • Plants We Eat





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  • 10-20



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  • 3-5 Years

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  • 3-5 Years


Found 45 results. Showing 2 of 3 pages.

Read Together: Eating the Alphabet #1

Read about plant foods that begin with every letter of the alphabet and have children identify which part of the plant each food is from.

Read Together: Eating the Alphabet #2

Reread the story and have children call out the names of the plants they know.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 8, Week 1

Read Chicks and Salsa, Eating the Alphabet, or another book about plants animals (including humans) eat.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 8, Week 2

Read a book about plants and have children identify the leaf and root plants in the story.

Read Together: The Ugly Vegetables #2

Reread the story. Focus children on the words used to describe the vegetables and the garden.

Recite Together: Who Stole the Onions from the Farmer’s Field?

Recite the poem. Have children act out the animals in the poem.

Sing Together: “The Opposite Song”

Discuss opposite words and then sing the song. 

Small Group: Check Sprouts

Assign children to rinse the seeds again. Then observe and record how the sprouts have changed.

Small Group: Estimate Watermelon Seeds

Have children estimate how many seeds are in a slice of watermelon.

Small Group: Growing Sprouts #1

Prepare sprout seeds for planting with children.

Small Group: Growing Sprouts #2

Have children rinse the sprout seeds and record any changes they observe in the plant.

Small Group: One, Few, Many

Have children describe some fruits and vegetables and make a chart showing which ones have one, few, or many seeds.

Small Group: Seed Sort

Have children sort seeds in an egg carton. They decide on categories to sort the seeds.

Small Group: Sorting Parts

Help children sort the plant parts they collected outside.

Small Group: Sprout Salad

Pick the sprouts and combine them with other vegetables left over from the week to make a salad.

Talk Together: Roots and Leaves

Have children use sensory descriptive language to talk about and compare different roots and leaves.

Talk Together: Vegetables

Discuss vegetables with children. Review the book Eating the Alphabet: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z from last week.

Talk Together: What’s at the Grocery Store?

Discuss what a grocery store is in the produce section of a grocery store. Children are introduced to the difference between man-made and natural foods.

Watch Together: “Bee-bim Bop!” (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions “Bee-bim Bop!” Have children listen for the plant foods that go into the bee-bim bop.

Watch Together: “Chicks and Salsa” (BTL show) #1

Play the video Between the Lions “Chicks and Salsa.” Focus children on the plants the animals use in their recipes.

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