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Found 666 results. Showing 24 of 34 pages.

Talk Together: Hat Colors

Create a two-color hat and have children make predict what color they will see as you walk by.

Talk Together: High and Low Voices

Have children use content vocabulary to compare the sound of each other’s voices.

Talk Together: High or Low? Loud or Soft?

Review the concepts of pitch and volume with children. Have them identify sounds as high, low, loud, or soft.

Talk Together: Houses and Buildings

Tell children that they will be learning about different types of houses and buildings by using the “Houses and Buildings” display.

Talk Together: If I Could Have a Garden

Read the poem “If I Could Have a Garden.” Ask children which vegetables they would plant in their gardens.

Talk Together: Loud and Quiet

Create a chart listing loud and quiet sounds and discuss reasons for using loud or quiet voices.

Talk Together: Loud, Louder, Loudest

Have children make sounds that are loud, louder, and loudest and soft, softer, softest.

Talk Together: Lullabies

Have children close their eyes as you play or sing a soothing lullaby and then talk about how it makes them feel.

Talk Together: Make that Sound

Discuss all the sounds children have heard over the past weeks.  Help them recall the sounds and demonstrate some of them.

Talk Together: Making Friends

Discuss friends and introduce qualities that make a person a good friend.

Talk Together: Making Music

Introduce the idea of making music to children by playing a favorite musical recording. Talk with children about what they like about the music.

Talk Together: More About Mixing Colors

Continue to explore mixing new colors with food coloring.

Talk Together: More About Plant Helpers

Talk about plant needs. Introduce things in the underground environment that help plants meet their needs.

Talk Together: More About the Alphabet

Review the alphabet and talk about the order of the letters.

Talk Together: More Rubber Band Music

Gather children around the materials and invite them to talk about and demonstrate some of the observations they made while exploring making sounds with rubber bands.

Talk Together: Move to Music

Talk about some of the music the children have been listening to together. Play some music and invite children to move to the music.

Talk Together: Music Day #1

Review with children what music is, and all the ways they’ve learned to make music. Have children prepare for a music performance.

Talk Together: Music Day #2

Remind children that today is Music Day. Discuss the music each group will play. Have children discuss how they will put together the performance.

Talk Together: Musical Instruments

Have children listen to music and name instruments they hear.

Talk Together: My Family

Discuss the meaning of family with children, then talk with them about their own families.

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