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Found 234 results. Showing 3 of 12 pages.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 2, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 2, #2

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 3, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 3, #2

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 4, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 4, #2

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Fish for Letters (boat)

Name the letters in the word boat. Have children fish for the letters and arrange them to spell boat.

Fish for Letters (river)

Name the letters in the word river. Have children fish for the letters and arrange them to spell river.

Fish for Letters (water)

Name the letters in the word water. Have children fish for the letters and arrange them to spell water.

“Fish Swish” #2 (PEEP game)

Play the PEEP and the Big Wide World interactive game “Fish Swish” to help Quack figure out how many balloons he needs for his fish friends.  

Float and Sink Art

Have children choose some objects to test whether they float or sink. Glue the floating items on one part of a paper plate, and the sinking items on another.

Flowing Water

Encourage children to explore filling and pouring water into and out of containers.

Fun in the Tub

Have children draw a favorite scene from Ten Dirty Pigs/Ten Clean Pigs and include water drops to indicate things that are wet in their drawing.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning” #10

Sing the greeting song. Hold up a name card and have children stomp the syllables in the name. Repeat until each child has been acknowledged.  

Greeting Song: “Good Morning” #6

Sing the greeting song. Signal a child to say his or her name and have others acknowledge the child with a cheer. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning” #7

Sing the greeting song. Hold up a name card and have child recognize and say his or her name. Repeat for every child.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning” #9

Sing the greeting song. Hold up a photo of a child and have child clap out the syllables in his or her name. Repeat for every child.

Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #6

Sing the greeting song. Point to four different names and have those children say their names. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #7

Sing the greeting song. Point to four different name cards and have those children say their names. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #8

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card. Have that child choose another name card. Repeat until every child is included.

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