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Found 53 results. Showing 3 of 3 pages.

Sing Together: “This Is the Way We Hold Our Books”

Sing a song to demonstrate how to hold books and have children join in.

Sing Together: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”

Sing a song and act out the motions with children.

Talk Together: At the Library

Talk about the different books and items you can find at the library.

Talk Together: More About the Alphabet

Review the alphabet and talk about the order of the letters.

Talk Together: Review the Alphabet and the Library

Review what the children learned about the alphabet and the library.

Talk Together: What Is a Scientist?

Talk about scientists and make connections to how children use some of the same skills as scientists. 

Talk Together: What Is the Alphabet?

Introduce the alphabet to children through visual aids and discussion.

Watch Together: “At the Library (A–Z)” (BTL clip)

Watch a video about the alphabet and the library.

Watch Together: “Look It Up” (BTL clip)

Watch a video to introduce concept and nonfiction books that carry factual information.

Watch Together: “Read a Book Today!” (BTL clip)

Watch a video about the different types of books children can find at the library.

Watch Together: “Upper and Lowercase” (BTL clip)

Watch a video to introduce uppercase and lowercase letters.

Word Play: Listening Game

Introduce alliteration as children listen to words the same beginning sounds.

Word Play: Rhyming Words #1

Children listen to rhyming words.

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