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  • Ramps & Rolling

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Found 72 results. Showing 3 of 4 pages.

Talk Together: Building Trackways

Talk with children about their experiences building ramps and trackways and rolling a ball so it travels the entire distance of the track.

Talk Together: Down the Ramp

Introduce the concept of inclined planes by constructing a ramp. Have children predict how objects will move down the ramp.

Talk Together: Even Steeper

Review with children what happens when they increase the steepness of a ramp. Guide the discussion with photographs or videos taken during the week.

Talk Together: How Does It Feel?

Have children take turns feeling a variety of textures of different materials and compare the textures.

Talk Together: I Can Do It!

Review the story The Little Engine That Could. Have children share a time they were afraid to go down an inclined plane.

Talk Together: In Order

Explore ordinal numbers. Have children pick a number card 1–5 and stand on the matching number on a number line. 

Talk Together: Introduce Ramps

Introduce ramps by having children move a block without touching it. Demonstrate how things move down a slanted plane.

Talk Together: Introduce Sliding

Discuss how size, shape, and weight of an object can affect the way it moves down a ramp. Talk about how things slide and/or roll.

Talk Together: Making Obstacles

Discuss the weight and texture of different materials. Help children think about how they might use them in their obstacle course explorations.

Talk Together: Move Down the Ramp

Ask children to share ramps they discovered on their way home. Have them dictate or write to record ideas on the "All About Ramps" chart.

Talk Together: Obstacles

Discuss obstacles children explored as they rolled objects down their trackways.

Talk Together: Ramp Review

Review children's ramp explorations and observations. Remind children that scientists use skills such as asking questions and recording observations.

Talk Together: Ramps with Different Surfaces

Describe what happens when different objects are rolled down ramps of different textures.

Talk Together: Review Ramps, Slides, and Tracks

Have children talk about ramps, slides, or tracks in their environment. Then act out motions as they recite a rhyme.

Talk Together: Sliding Experiences

Talk with children about their experiences going down slides and other inclined planes. Encourage them to talk about how they felt.

Talk Together: Steep Stories

Talk with children about their experiences with varying the steepness of any ramps. Discuss how things move faster on steeper inclines.

Talk Together: Talk About Explorations

Discuss new ways for children to build their obstacle courses based on their experiences and observations.

Talk Together: Talk about Tracks

Discuss trackways. Show a picture of a real trackway and talk about how tracks help keep things, such as trains, on a straight path.

Talk Together: Trackways

Encourage children to demonstrate and share their observations about how marbles move down the tracks. 

Watch Together: “Building Ramps” (PEEP live-action clip)

Watch the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Building Ramps.” Have children focus on what happens to the balls and obstacles after they collide.

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