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Found 225 results. Showing 3 of 12 pages.

Explore Together (outdoors): Colored Light

Have children explore what happens to light cast through different transparent objects.

Explore Together (outdoors): Colors Outside

Have children explore colors in the outdoor environment.

Explore Together (outdoors): Make Rainbows

Have children make and observe rainbows using water mist.

Explore Together (outdoors): Many Shades of Brown

Have children explore outside and look for brown things in nature.

Explore Together (outdoors): Shaded Colors

Explore and describe colors with and without sunglasses on.

Family Connection: Unit 2, Week 1, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 2, Week 1, #2

Give children a green sticker to remind them to look for things that are green at home and on the way home from school.

Family Connection: Unit 2, Week 1, #3

Give children a red ribbon to encourage them to look for red objects at home or on their way home.

Family Connection: Unit 2, Week 1, #4

Give each child a photo you took of him or her during color exploration to take home and share with families. 

Family Connection: Unit 2, Week 2, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 2, Week 2, #2

Send children home with their paint mixing activity, and encourage them share what they learned about mixing color with family members.

Family Connection: Unit 2, Week 3, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 2, Week 3, #2

Give children any drawings and photographs taken of them during the week to share and talk about at home.

Family Connection: Unit 2, Week 4, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 2, Week 4, #2

Send children home with their drawings and photographs to share with their families what they learned about color.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning” #1

Sing a greeting song and have the group acknowledge each child by name.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning” #2

Hold up a name card and sing a greeting song to help each child recognize his or her name in print.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning” #3

Sing “Good Morning,” a song welcoming each child to the class.

Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #3

Sing a greeting song and help children recognize their names in print by holding up their name cards when you sing their name.

Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #4

Sing “Here We Are Together” with children as they hold up their name cards when they hear their name in the song.

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