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Found 64 results. Showing 3 of 4 pages.

Talk Together: Building High

Introduce the idea of building higher. Have children reflect on how they can make their structures higher.

Talk Together: Building Higher, Building Stronger

Discuss the photos you took of children building towers. Have children work together to strategize new ways to make their structures stronger and higher.

Talk Together: Building Materials

Open a discussion about building materials and compare their different properties.

Talk Together: Building Strong

Revisit building strong structures. Discuss children’s building and how they made them stronger.

Talk Together: Building to Fit

Discuss how things are built to size. Use toys as examples.

Talk Together: Building to Size and Purpose

Have children share a structure they built. Discuss their buildings’ different sizes and purposes.

Talk Together: Different Materials

Review the materials the three pigs used to build their house. Discuss that materials people use to build things depend on where they live in the world.

Talk Together: House Shapes

Identify the two-dimensional shapes found in parts of a house (roof, walls, etc.). Revisit the book Building a House.

Talk Together: Inside a Building

Have children name parts of the room (walls, floor, window). Have them describe the shapes of the different parts of the room and what materials were used to build them.

Talk Together: Measuring Tools

Open a discussion about measuring tools and how you measure things to tell their size.

Talk Together: More Building Materials

Have children share a structure they built. Have them describe the materials used.

Talk Together: More Materials

Have children share what they learned about building materials.

Talk Together: Structures to Build

Take children outside to choose a structure they would like to build a representation of.

Talk Together: Walls of a House

Continue to discuss parts of a house and why it is important to build roofs and walls out of strong materials.

Watch Together: “Chirp Builds a Nest” #1 (PEEP show)

Play the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Chirp Builds a Nest.” Focus on how Chirp builds his nest.

Watch Together: “Chirp Builds a Nest” #2 (PEEP show)

Play the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Chirp Builds a Nest” and ask children to identify problems Chirp is having while building his nest.

Watch Together: “Huff and Puff” #1 (BTL show)

Play the Between the Lions video “Huff and Puff.” Focus children’s attention on what each house looks like and what material it is made of.    

Watch Together: “Huff and Puff” #2 (BTL show)

Play the Between the Lions video “Huff and Puff.” Set a viewing focus for children by having them notice which events happen first, next, and last.

Watch Together: “Huff and Puff” #3 (BTL show)

Play the video Between The Lions “Huff and Puff.” Ask children to think about why the last pig’s house was so strong.

Watch Together: “Huff and Puff” (BTL show) #4

Watch the Bonus Track: “The Wolfinator: A Sequel.” Compare this sequel to the sequel Tell the Truth, B.B. Wolf.

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