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  • Plants

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  • Plants



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  • 3-5 Years


Found 59 results. Showing 3 of 3 pages.

Talk Together: More About Plants

Talk with children about plants and what they need to grow.

Talk Together: Parts of Plants

Review parts of plants by observing the children’s growing plants.

Talk Together: Plant Helpers

Explain the difference between growing plants in pots and plants growing in their natural environments.

Talk Together: Plant Review

Review what children learned about plants. Have children share a page in their science notebooks.

Talk Together: Plants and Roots

Continue to discuss plants, including trees and roots.

Talk Together: Roots and Stems

Review the parts of a plant. Emphasize the roles of roots and stems.

Talk Together: Seeds and Plants Review

Have children illustrate and dictate a sentence featuring what a plant needs to grow.

Talk Together: Sprouting Seeds

Have children describe plants around his or her home. Then examine a plant from last week’s exploration that has sprouted.

Watch Together: “Exploring Small Spaces” #1 (PEEP live-action clip)

Play the live-action video clip PEEP and the Big Wide World “Exploring Small Spaces.” Have children compare the plants in the video to plants they have explored.

Watch Together: “Exploring Small Spaces” #2 (PEEP live-action clip)

Play the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Exploring Small Spaces.” Have children compare things they found to what the children in the video found.

Watch Together: “Help!” #1 (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions “Help!” and have children focus on what the little red hen does with the grains.

Watch Together: “Help!” #2 (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions “Help!” again. Compare how the hen grows her wheat to how the children planted their seeds.

Watch Together: “Information Hen: Things That Grow” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between the Lions “Information Hen: Things That Grow” as you review seeds and plants.

Watch Together: “Peep Plants a Seed” #1 (PEEP show)

Play Peep and the Big Wide World “Peep Plants a Seed” and have children focus on what the characters do with the seed.

Watch Together: “Peep Plants a Seed” #2 (PEEP show)

Play the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Peep Plants a Seed.” Discuss what plants need to grow.

Watch Together: “Peep Plants a Seed” #3 (PEEP show)

Play the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Peep Plants a Seed” again. Compare how Peep plants his seed to how children planted their seeds.

Watch Together: “Wonderful Worms” (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions Wonderful Worms” and talk about how worms work in the soil.

Watch Together: “You Never Hear the Garden Grow” #1 (BTL clip)

Play the video Between the Lions “You Never Hear the Garden Grow.” Focus children on plant parts and how plants grow.

Word Play: Gardening in My Garden

Help children understand how some words can be used in different ways by completing sentences.

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