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  • 20-30


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  • 3-5 Years



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  • 20-30


Development Level

  • 3-5 Years


Found 51 results. Showing 3 of 3 pages.

Explore Together (outdoors): Many Shades of Brown

Have children explore outside and look for brown things in nature.

Explore Together (outdoors): Measuring Up

Have children check and measure their sprouts. Then observe and measure the plants they repotted outside.

Explore Together (outdoors): More Soil Exploration

Have children work in groups as they continue to explore outdoor plants and soil.

Explore Together (outdoors): Outdoor Plant Parts

Take children outdoors to observe plant parts and draw their observations in their science notebooks.

Explore Together (outdoors): Plants on the Ground #2

Have children collect plant parts on the ground and compare them to the sprouts they are growing inside.

Explore Together (outdoors): Sort the Travelers

Have children sort seeds by how they travel.   

Explore Together (outdoors): Steeper and Steeper Outside

Have children continue to observe rolling objects down ramps as they adjust the steepness of the incline.

Explore Together (outdoors): Underground Environment

Have children investigate the soil outside and collect things in it they want to share with others.

Explore Together (outdoors): Visit a Community Garden

Take children to a community garden to let them observe growing plants.  

Explore Together (outdoors): Water Drops

Search outdoors for water flowing down or dripping off surfaces. Have children explore dripping water with their hands.

Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 2

Say some words and have children repeat back the /g/ sound at the beginning of the words.

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