
Found 188 results. Showing 4 of 10 pages.

One-on-One Reading: The Three Little Pigs Variations

Choose a version of The Three Little Pigs to read aloud to individuals or small groups.

One-on-One Reading: The Ugly Vegetables

Read aloud The Ugly Vegetable to individuals or small groups. Compare the gardens in the story’s neighborhood.

One-on-One Reading: Toy Boat

Read aloud Toy Boat to individuals or small groups. Have children close their eyes and visualize what is happening in the story.

One-on-One Reading: Vegetable Garden #4

Read aloud Vegetable Garden to individuals or small groups. Discuss how the garden changes in the different seasons.

One-on-One Reading: Who Sank the Boat?

Read aloud Who Sank the Boat? to individuals or small groups. Review how the added weight of the mouse made the boat sink.

Read Together: A Cool Drink of Water #1

Review how all living things need water and then read the book with children.

Read Together: A Cool Drink of Water #2

Reread the book and have children look for the different objects people use to make water move.

Read Together: A Fruit Is a Suitcase for Seeds #1

Read the book, comparing a fruit to a suitcase. Have children notice all “fruit suitcases.”

Read Together: Abiyoyo #2

Reread Abiyoyo by Pete Seeger and have children make connections to their own lives.

Read Together: Alphabet Under Construction #1

Comment on the different tools used to construct the letters of the alphabet in the story.

Read Together: Alphabet Under Construction #2

Reread the book and have children create their own alphabet charts with letters they cut from magazines.

Read Together: Bee-bim Bop!

Discuss how different countries and families have their own special recipes. Read the story and have children notice all the foods in the bee-bim bop.

Read Together: Building a House #1

Read Building a House by Byron Barton with children. Have children talk about the sequence of steps builders follow to construct a house.

Read Together: Building a House #2

Read Building a House. Focus on the different steps the builders took to build a house and compare it to the steps the children took in building their houses.

Read Together: Chicks and Salsa #1

Read the book Chicks and Salsa with children and focus on how the animals in the story solve their problem.

Read Together: Chicks and Salsa #2

Reread the book and discuss how people eat different foods all over the world.

Read Together: City Lullaby #1

Read a story full of sounds you hear in the city and ask children to repeat some of the city sounds they hear in the book.

Read Together: City Lullaby #2

Reread City Lullaby as you focus on the story as a number book and have children count the objects on the page.

Read Together: Eating the Alphabet #1

Read about plant foods that begin with every letter of the alphabet and have children identify which part of the plant each food is from.

Read Together: Eating the Alphabet #2

Reread the story and have children call out the names of the plants they know.

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