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Found 159 results. Showing 6 of 8 pages.

Read Together: The Listening Walk #1

Read a story about a girl who goes on a listening walk and guide children to make connections to their own explorations of sound.

Read Together: The Listening Walk #2

Reread The Listening Walk by Paul Showers and have children close their eyes and imagine the different sounds the girl hears on her walk.

Recite Together: “Bear Snores On”

Read the first pages of “Bear Snores On” by Karma Wilson. Emphasize rhyme words. 

Recite Together: “Night Music”

Read aloud and discuss the poem “Night Music” about the nighttime sounds in the country. 

Recite Together: “Ten Little Monkeys”

Together recite the familiar chant “Ten Little Monkeys” using finger actions to help the children count down from ten.

Review the Week Together: Unit 3, Week 2

Review loud and quiet sounds and have children share a favorite activity from the week.

Review the Week Together: Unit 3, Week 3

Review sounds of different volume, pitch, and timbre with children and animal sounds heard on a listening walk.

Sing Together: “Listen, Listen, Little Ears” #1

Teach children a song about listening and invite them to sing along with you.

Sing Together: “Listen, Listen, Little Ears” #2

Sing “Listen, Listen, Little Ears” and have children name something they hear.

Sing Together: “Listen, Listen, Little Ears” #3

Sing “Listen, Listen, Little Ears” with children. Have children sing it in a loud voice, then a second time in a soft voice.

Sing Together: “The Wheels on the Bus” #1

Ask children to share sounds they might hear when riding a bus. Sing and act out the motions to “The Wheels on the Bus.” 

Sing Together: “The Wheels on the Bus” #2

Sing the “Wheels on the Bus. Encourage the children to make up new lyrics for a different machine, place, or animal.

Sort Loud and Quiet Animal Sounds

Have children work together to sort toy animals or pictures of animals into those that make loud sounds and those that make soft sounds.

Sort Loud, Medium, and Quiet

Place pictures on a table. Have children sort the sounds the things in the pictures make into loud, medium, and quiet sounds.

Sound Detective Agency

Have children shake containers that contain different objects that make different sounds.  Have them listen carefully and find a matching container with the same sound.


Have children use materials to make sound-makers and record their observations.

Sound Riddles

Have children draw something from the week’s reading that makes sound. Using a template, help them complete riddles describing the sound the object makes.

Talk Together: Changing Our Voices

Discuss how everyone's voice has a different sound. Have children record their names and listen to the voice differences.

Talk Together: Different Sounds

Ask children to name sounds they heard on their way home yesterday and talk about why children heard different sounds.

Talk Together: Exploring Sound

Have children discuss making sounds with shakers. Help them make connections between their explorations and the book What Is a Scientist?

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