
Found 1687 results. Showing 68 of 85 pages.

Talk Together: Outdoor Seeds

Discuss seeds children brought in from home and have them predict how the seeds travel.  

Talk Together: Parts of Plants

Review parts of plants by observing the children’s growing plants.

Talk Together: Parts We Eat

Talk about how animals, including humans, eat plant parts and plants that grow in many different places.

Talk Together: Plant Helpers

Explain the difference between growing plants in pots and plants growing in their natural environments.

Talk Together: Plant Parts Animals Eat

Discuss the parts of plants that animals and humans eat. 

Talk Together: Plant Review

Review what children learned about plants. Have children share a page in their science notebooks.

Talk Together: Plants and Roots

Continue to discuss plants, including trees and roots.

Talk Together: Plants As Food

Talk about how food is a basic need, and how people often choose foods that taste good to fill that need.  

Talk Together: Plants Review

Review the activities children did this week. Have each child tell one thing he or she learned about plants.

Talk Together: Plants Taste Good

Provide an assortment of vegetables and have children describe how the vegetables taste.

Talk Together: Point to the Sound

Revisit the idea that every sound has a source. Introduce the idea that every sound travels one way, or in one direction.

Talk Together: Pools of Water

Talk about when it rains and water collects in a pool.

Talk Together: Rainbow CDs

Help children create their own rainbows using CDs.

Talk Together: Rainbow Colors

Talk about rainbows and the colors of the rainbow.

Talk Together: Ramp Review

Review children's ramp explorations and observations. Remind children that scientists use skills such as asking questions and recording observations.

Talk Together: Ramp Rhymes

Children slide their hand down a ramp every time they hear two words that rhyme and then generate words that rhyme with ramp.

Talk Together: Ramps with Different Surfaces

Describe what happens when different objects are rolled down ramps of different textures.

Talk Together: Red Clothes

Have children talk about red clothing as they organize the clothes from darkest to lightest red.

Talk Together: Red, Yellow, Blue

Call out a color and have children find an object around the room.

Talk Together: Repeating Sounds

Replay some of the sounds children made this week.  Have children discuss the sounds they made and repeat the sounds as they discuss.

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