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  • 3-5 Years

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  • 3-5 Years





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Found 1713 results. Showing 7 of 86 pages.

Draw and Write Together: My Kitchen

Explain how spices come from plants. Have children draw, write, or dictate a window box with plants they would want in their kitchen window.

Draw and Write Together: My Name

Help children identify the letters in their name.

Draw and Write Together: Night Music

Reread the poem “Night Music,” and together then compose a new group poem based on city sounds.

Draw and Write Together: Noisy and Quiet

Talk about noisy places and quiet places.  Have children draw themselves in one of these places and help them write a sentence for the drawing.

Draw and Write Together: “Our Bean Seeds” Chart

Have children dictate or write to record observations as children’s plants grow. 

Draw and Write Together: Our Green Poem

Write a class poem about the color green.

Draw and Write Together: Our Recipe Book

Talk about recipes. Have children bring in a recipe from home to add to the class’s “Our Recipe Book.”

Draw and Write Together: “Our Three Little Pigs” #1

Have children draw, dictate, or write their own version of The Three Little Pigs.

Draw and Write Together: “Our Three Little Pigs” #2

Have children continue to work on their variation of The Three Little Pigs. Have children dictate or write words to go along their drawings and dictations.

Draw and Write Together: Our Water Story

Have children create a story together about a trip on the ocean in a boat.

Draw and Write Together: Pages of Blue

Have children identify blue items from magazines and assemble a group book. 

Draw and Write Together: “Peter Piper Paints” #1

Help children find word cards that begin with the letter "p" to complete a group poem.

Draw and Write Together: Plants We Like

Have children make a graph of their favorite plants to eat.

Draw and Write Together: Poems and Pictures

Discuss how an author uses words in a poem to “paint” pictures in our minds.

Draw and Write Together: Reasons to Read

Discuss and write about children’s favorite books and reasons they like to read.

Draw and Write Together: Retell The Three Little Javelinas

Have children use puppets to retell the story.

Draw and Write Together: “Ryan Reads”

Help children create a new version of the "Ryan Reads" poem by inserting new "r" words.

Draw and Write Together: Someone Special

Help children create a picture of someone who is special to them.

Draw and Write Together: Sound Book

Have children collectively make a number book of sounds modeled on the book City Lullaby. Keep the book in the Writing Center for children to view.

Draw and Write Together: Sources of Sounds

Review the “Sounds We Hear” chart with children. Encourage children to share what they have learned about sound. Record any new ideas on the chart.

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