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Found 1803 results. Showing 86 of 91 pages.

Word Play: Alliteration (/d/)

Children listen to and repeat an alliterative sentence with words that begin with the letter sound /d/.

Word Play: Alliteration (/g/)

Repeat the sentence “Goldie giggled at the garlic.” Challenge children to say the sentence faster and faster. 

Word Play: Alliteration (/h/)

Children recognize and repeat an alliterative with words beginning with the letter sound /h/.

Word Play: Alliteration (/k/)

Repeat the sentence “Kevin keeps kiwis in the kitchen” with the children. Stress the /k/ sound. 

Word Play: Alliteration (/s/)

Create a sentence emphasizing the beginning sound of /s/. Challenge children to say the sentence faster and faster.

Word Play: Alliteration (/t/)

Repeat the sentence “Tommy took tools to town.” emphasizing the beginning sound /t/. Challenge children to say the sentence faster and faster.

Word Play: Alliteration (/u/)

Ask children to listen for the beginning sound /u/ of each word in a sentence.

Word Play: Alliteration (/w/) #1

Repeat the sentence “Willie wiggled wildly.” Challenge children to say the sentence three times.  

Word Play: Alliteration (/w/) #2

Have children generate alliterative sentences with the /w/ sound. Use the example We wonder why worms wiggle.

Word Play: Alliterative Sentence

Review alliteration and have children recite the poem “Peter Piper Paints” to practice the letter sound /p/.

Word Play: Beginning Sound (/s/)

Play a listening game with children to introduce the /s/ sound.  Have children listen for words with beginning sound /s/.

Word Play: Blending Sounds

Say the parts of some words slowly and have children put the word parts together.

Word Play: Clap Fruits and Vegetables

Have children clap the parts of different plant foods. Count the number of word parts.

Word Play: Clap It Out

Use name cards to clap out syllables and introduce children to parts of a name. 

Word Play: Clap the Last Sound (/n/)

Instruct children to clap when they hear a word that ends with the /n/ sound.

Word Play: Clapping Word Parts

Open to the page in Flower Garden with the flower names. Have children clap the syllables in each flower name.

Word Play: “Eenie Meenie Mynie Mo”

Teach children a rhyme about a monkey. Invite children to make a sound on their instrument when they hear a word beginning with the /m/ sound.

Word Play: Find the Rhyme

Play a rhyming game with children. Say two words and have the children clap loudly if the words rhyme, and softly if the words do not rhyme.

Word Play: Finish the Rhyme

Have children make different sounds as they complete a rhyming chant. 

Word Play: Fish for x-r-a-y

Invite children to fish for and arrange letters to spell x-ray.

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