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Found 1772 results. Showing 88 of 89 pages.

Word Play: “T” is for Teddy Bears

Recite the poem “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” and act out the motions with children. Ask children to identify words that begin with /t/.

Word Play: Tap the Sound (/g/)

Say some words and have children repeat back the /g/ sound at the beginning of the words.

Word Play: Target Word (down)

Help children grasp the meaning of the word down. Demonstrate crouching down and standing up. Review the word card down.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/b/)

Recite the chant and have children listen for the words that start with the /b/.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/f/)

Use the Tell Me What You Hear Routine to help children review the /f/ sound.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/g/)

Recite the chant and have children listen for the words that end with the sound /g/.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/h/)

Recite a poem and review the words that begin with the letter sound /h/.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/k/)

Recite the poem and have children listen for words that begin with the /k/ sound. 

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/m/)

Use the Tell Me What You Hear Routine to help children recognize the /m/ sound in the beginning of familiar words.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/o/)

Sing the Tell Me What You Hear chant with children to help them identify beginning sound /o/.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear: (/q/ and /n/)

Do the word play “Tell Me What You Hear” to have children listen for words that begin with the /q/ and /n/ sounds. 

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (short /a/)

Play a listening game to help children hear and recognize the /a/ sound at the end of words.   

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/u/)

Use the “Tell Me What You Hear” routine to help children listen for the short beginning /u/ sound in familiar words.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/v/)

Use the Tell Me What You Hear Routine to help children hear the beginning sound /v/.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/w/)

Use the Tell Me What You Hear Routine to help children listen for the /w/ sound at the beginning of familiar words.

Word Play: Tracing (up)

Help children practice writing the word up.

Word Play: "Up" Rhyming Cube

Roll the cube and name the picture that faces up. If the word rhymes with up, children motion going up a ramp as they say the word.

Word Play: What Sound Do You Hear?

Show children picture cards to identify and emphasize the beginning letter sounds.

Word Play: Who Knows My Word?

Play a listening game to review the letter sound /u/.

Word Play: Word Engine

Review the word engine and have children make their own “word engine” out of an egg carton. Match the letters in engine to corresponding bumps on the egg carton.

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