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Found 1869 results. Showing 93 of 94 pages.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/m/)

Use the Tell Me What You Hear Routine to help children recognize the /m/ sound in the beginning of familiar words.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/o/)

Sing the Tell Me What You Hear chant with children to help them identify beginning sound /o/.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear: (/q/ and /n/)

Do the word play “Tell Me What You Hear” to have children listen for words that begin with the /q/ and /n/ sounds. 

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (short /a/)

Play a listening game to help children hear and recognize the /a/ sound at the end of words.   

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/u/)

Use the “Tell Me What You Hear” routine to help children listen for the short beginning /u/ sound in familiar words.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/v/)

Use the Tell Me What You Hear Routine to help children hear the beginning sound /v/.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/w/)

Use the Tell Me What You Hear Routine to help children listen for the /w/ sound at the beginning of familiar words.

Word Play: Tracing (up)

Help children practice writing the word up.

Word Play: "Up" Rhyming Cube

Roll the cube and name the picture that faces up. If the word rhymes with up, children motion going up a ramp as they say the word.

Word Play: What Sound Do You Hear?

Show children picture cards to identify and emphasize the beginning letter sounds.

Word Play: Who Knows My Word?

Play a listening game to review the letter sound /u/.

Word Play: Word Engine

Review the word engine and have children make their own “word engine” out of an egg carton. Match the letters in engine to corresponding bumps on the egg carton.

Word Play: Word Parts

Refer to words from Mama Zooms to explain the two parts of a compound word. Say each word part slowly then show the children that they make one word.

Word Play: Word Sounds

Say words slowly and have children put their hands on different parts of their body each time they hear a sound.

Word Play: Word (yellow)

Have children find shades of yellow paint squares that match a description. 

Word Play: Writing (up)

Guide children to write the word up several times on their own.

Word Play: Writing Words

Help children practice writing the word dam.  

Word Play: Zigzag Dance

Draw a large letter “Z” on the ground. Have children line up and tell them they are going to zigzag around the “Z.”

Word Power

Your baby loves hearing your voice! Help him give meaning to the sounds he makes as “da” becomes “da-da.”

Worm Habitat

Create a mural of a worm habitat. Have children draw or paste pictures of grass, flowers, etc. above ground and roots, tunnels, and worms below ground.

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