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Found 56 results. Showing 1 of 3 pages.

Build a (“Cc”)

Children build a large "C" with blocks by following a template taped to the floor.

Build a Letter (“Pp”)

Invite children to build the letter “Pp” with blocks.

Build a Structure

Have children work in pairs to build a structure of colored blocks.

Decorate (“C”)

Cut out a large lowercase letter “c” for children to decorate together.

Decorate (“Yy”)

Distribute a large yellow uppercase and lowercase letter "Yy” to each child to decorate.

Draw and Write Together: Our Green Poem

Write a class poem about the color green.

Draw and Write Together: “Ryan Reads”

Help children create a new version of the "Ryan Reads" poem by inserting new "r" words.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Beginning Sound (/k/)

Have children listen for words that begin with the letter sound /k/.

Learn About Letters Together: Air Writing (“Cc”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Cc” in the air.

Learn About Letters Together: Air Writing (“Pp”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Pp” in the air.

Learn About Letters Together: Letter ("p")

Have children recognize and clap syllables in words with the letter "p."

Learn About Letters Together: Letter (“Pp”) Dictionary

Talk about the letter “Pp” and create a “Pp” dictionary.

Learn About Letters Together: Letter Shape (“Yy”)

Review the letter “Yy” as children form the letter with their arms.

Learn About Letters Together: Letter Shapes (“Yy”) and (“Cc”)

Have children sort letters with straight lines and letters with curved lines. 

Learn About Letters Together: Letter (“Yy”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Yy” in the air.

Learn About Letters Together: Letter (“Yy”) March

Tape a large uppercase and lowercase “Yy” on the floor and have children march on the letters.

Learn About Letters Together: Letters in Our Names ("Cc")

Help children find names that contain the letter “Cc.”

Learn About Letters Together: Letters in Our Names ("Pp")

Help children recognize the letter “Pp” in their names.

Learn About Letters Together: Letters in Our Names (“Rr”)

Help children recognize the letter “Rr” in their names.

Learn About Letters Together: “Peter Piper Paints” #2

Have children recite a poem and clap the words that have the letter "p."

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