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Found 82 results. Showing 1 of 5 pages.

Build a Family House

Have children build their own house after looking at pictures of different houses.

"But, Mama, But . . ." #2 (BTL Show)

As children watch a Between the Lions video, have them describe Leona Lion's feelings.

Draw and Write Together: About My Family

Make a list with children of different things they like to do with their families.

Draw and Write Together: Family and Friends

Invite children to reflect on what they have learned about families and friends.

Draw and Write Together: Friends and Feelings

Discuss and draw pictures about different feelings friends can have when they are together.

Draw and Write Together: Someone Special

Help children create a picture of someone who is special to them.

Explore Together (indoors): Cats

Use pictures to describe and categorize cats by their physical characteristics.

Explore Together (indoors): Explore Our Room

Explore different areas of the classroom with children.

Explore Together (indoors): How Many Owls?

Have childen count how many owl babies are in an owl family and then count how many owls in the family all together.

Explore Together (outdoors): Explore Nature

Explore nature outdoors with children.

Explore Together (outdoors): Exploring With Friends

Have children discuss being afraid of things and then explore animals that live in or around a tree.

Explore Together (outdoors): Let’s Be Scientists!

Guide children as they explore and observe outdoors using skills like a scientist.

Family Connection: Unit 1, Week 1, #1

Send the Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 1, Week 1, #2

Send home photographs of children working together or a drawing children made of their family or a friend.

Family Connection: Unit 1, Week 2, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 1, Week 2, #2

Send drawings and photographs home with children and encourage them to discuss them with family members.

Family Connection: Unit 8, Week 1, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Pictures

Have children draw a picture of their family or a family they are close to and identify the people in the picture.

Greeting Song: “Friend of Mine” #1

Teach children a song about friends and sing a verse to each child as everyone joins in.

Greeting Song: “Friend of Mine” #2

Sing a song about friends and help children recognize names of others in the group.

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