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Found 23 results. Showing 1 of 2 pages.

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 7, Week 1

Encourage children to select to select a nonfiction book that interests them and to look at the words and pictures on their own or with other children.

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 7, Week 2

Encourage children to select books that interest them and to look at the words and pictures on their own or with other children.

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 7, Week 3

Encourage children to select books that interest them and to look at the words and pictures on their own or with other children.

My Garden

Children act out planting and tending a garden. Encourage them to use props as they plant and care for their garden.

One-on-One Reading: Jack’s Garden #2

Read aloud Jack’s Garden to individuals or small groups. Have children compare the plants in the story.

One-on-One Reading: One Bean

Read aloud to individuals or small groups. Discuss how the seed changes and grows as you read. 

One-on-One Reading: The Little Red Hen #3

Read aloud The Little Red Hen to individuals or small groups. Discuss what children have learned about planting.

One-on-One Reading: Vegetable Garden #4

Read aloud Vegetable Garden to individuals or small groups. Discuss how the garden changes in the different seasons.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 7, Week 1

Reread one of the books of the week or select a favorite book about plants and seeds.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 7, Week 2

Choose a book about plants to read. Have children discuss what they learned from the book.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 7, Week 3

Choose a book about plants to read. Have children identify the plants in the book and name the parts of the plants.

Read Together: Flower Garden #1

Read the book and talk about the tools and flowers in the story.

Read Together: Flower Garden #2

Reread the story and compare the girl’s garden to the garden in Jack’s Garden.

Read Together: Jack’s Garden #1

Discuss different types of gardens and begin to read the book Jack’s Garden.

Read Together: One Bean #1

Read One Bean by Anne Rockwell. Have children focus on how the boy helps the seeds grow.

Read Together: One Bean #2

Reread One Bean and focus on the sequence the boy follows as to plant his seed.

Read Together: The Carrot Seed

Read The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss. Focus on how the boy plants a seed and cares for his plant.

Read Together: The Little Red Hen #1

Read the book and compare it to the story of the little red hen in the video Between the Lions “Help.”

Read Together: The Little Red Hen #2

Reread The Little Red Hen by Paul Galdone. Compare what the hen does to help her wheat grow to what the children do to help their plants grow.

Read Together: Vegetable Garden #1

Read Vegetable Garden by Douglas Florian and discuss plants, how they change, and how their needs are met.

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