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Found 36 results. Showing 1 of 2 pages.

Draw and Write Together: “Colors” Chart

Encourage children to share what they know about colors and record their discoveries on a chart.

Draw and Write Together: My Boat

Have children draw a boat they built. Help them write or dictate a caption about something they learned while observing the boat.

Draw and Write Together: Night Music

Reread the poem “Night Music,” and together then compose a new group poem based on city sounds.

Draw and Write Together: What We Learned About Worms

Have children draw and dictate or write something they learned about the underground environment.

Learn About Letters Together: Air Writing (“Cc”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Cc” in the air.

Learn About Letters Together: Air Writing (“Pp”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Pp” in the air.

Learn About Letters Together: Letter Shape (“Cc”)

Model how to form the uppercase and lowercase letter “Cc” and have children repeat.

Learn About Letters Together: Letter (“Yy”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Yy” in the air.

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Bb”)

Use the Sandpaper Writing Routine to help children being to “write” the letter “Bb.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Dd”)

Use the “Sandpaper Writing Routine” to help children begin to write the letter “Dd.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Ee”)

Use the “Sandpaper Writing Routine” to help children begin to write the letter “Ee.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Ff”)

Use the Sandpaper Writing Routine to help children trace and begin to “write” the letter “Ff.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Ii”)

Use the Sandpaper Writing Routine to help children recognize and begin to “write” the letter “Ii.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Jj”)

Use the Sandpaper Writing Routine to help children recognize and begin to “write” the letter “Jj.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Ll”)

Use the Sandpaper Writing Routine to help children begin to recognize and to “write” the letter “Ll.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Mm”)

Use the Sandpaper Writing Routine to help children begin to “write” the letter “Mm.” 

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Nn”)

Have children trace sandpaper letters to help them recognize and write the letter “Nn."

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Pp") #2

Help children continue to learn to write the letter “Pp.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Qq”)

Have children trace sandpaper letters to help them begin to write the letter “Qq.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Rr") #1

Help children begin to write the letter “Rr.”

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