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Found 13 results.

Animal Homes

Explore the different types of homes animals live in. Then help your child plan and build a house for a favorite animal.

Ice Art

Explore art and science with your child. See what happens when she paints a picture with frozen colored ice cubes.

Tasty Traditions

Introduce your child to another culture by making a traditional soup or salad from a culture other than your own.

Watch It Grow

Plant seeds with your child. Let him be responsible for watering them to help him learn what plants need to live and grow.

Watch Together: “Bear Snores On” (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions “Bear Snores On” for children. Have children practice active viewing by listening for the sounds in the video.

Watch Together: “Colorful Food” #1 (BTL clip)

Watch a Between the Lions video focusing on the different colors of foods.

Watch Together: “Hear Here” (PEEP show)

Have children watch the PEEP and the Big Wide World video “Hear, Here” and listen to the different sounds in Quack's voice. 

Watch Together: “I Love My Family” (BTL clip)

Watch a video about two families who are the same in some ways and different in others.

Watch Together: “It’s Red! It’s Green!” #1 (BTL show)

Watch a Between the Lions video about two friends having a disagreement about colors.

Watch Together: “It’s Red! It’s Green!” #2 (BTL show)

Watch a Between the Lions video about colors and introduce children to a folktale.

Watch Together: “Making Boats” (PEEP live-action clip)

Play the PEEP and the Big Wide World video “Making Boats.” Compare the video to children’s experiments with boats.

Watch Together: “Sounds Like . . .” (PEEP show)

Watch PEEP and the Big Wide World  “Sounds Like . . .” video and go on a listening adventure with Peep and his friend, Chirp.

Watch Together: “The Whatchamacallit” #1 (PEEP show)

Play a Peep and the Big Wide World video about ramps and model active viewing as you discuss the ramp and how things move down it.

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