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  • Plants We Eat


  • Plants We Eat





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Found 32 results. Showing 1 of 2 pages.

Draw and Write Together: Food Rhymes

Recite the rhyme “Oh, So Yummy.” Have children suggest foods to replace “Carrots, carrots” to make a new rhyme.

Greeting Song: “Hola Greeting Song” #1

Sing the greeting song, hold up three name cards and greet those children by name. Repeat until every child is included.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/v/)

Children take turns choosing objects from a bag of objects and determining whether or not the object begins with the letter sound /v/.

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Ff”) and Word (farm)

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Ff” and the word farm.

Recite Together: “Five Fat Peas”

Recite the poem with the gestures. Clarify that peas are seeds.

Recite Together: Five Fine Carrots

Recite the chant about carrots and act out the motions. Repeat with different plant foods.

Recite Together: “Hungry for Bee-bim Bop!”

Recite “Hungry for Bee-bim Bop!” with hand motions.

Sing Together: “Old MacDonald Grew Some Plants”

Sing the song and encourage children to suggest other plants for additional verses.

Sing Together: “What Aroma Do I Smell?”

Review the word aroma and sing the song. Have children name a food smell they love.

Talk Together: Community Gardens

Define “community” and talk about community gardens with children. 

Talk Together: Edible Sprouts

Pass around salad sprouts and have children explore and describe them.

Talk Together: Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds

Review plant parts animals (including humans) eat, and talk about seeds.

Talk Together: If I Could Have a Garden

Read the poem “If I Could Have a Garden.” Ask children which vegetables they would plant in their gardens.

Talk Together: Outdoor Seeds

Discuss seeds children brought in from home and have them predict how the seeds travel.  

Talk Together: Parts We Eat

Talk about how animals, including humans, eat plant parts and plants that grow in many different places.

Talk Together: Plant Parts Animals Eat

Discuss the parts of plants that animals and humans eat. 

Talk Together: Plants As Food

Talk about how food is a basic need, and how people often choose foods that taste good to fill that need.  

Talk Together: Plants Taste Good

Provide an assortment of vegetables and have children describe how the vegetables taste.

Talk Together: Seeds, Seeds, Seeds #2

Have children describe a fruit or vegetable they have eaten. Review that fruits have different types of and numbers of seeds.

Talk Together: Seeds Travel

Review the different ways seeds travel. Demonstrate with a dandelion seed and a pea.

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