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Found 9 results.

Action Songs

Sing songs with actions and gestures to help toddlers expand their vocabularies and practice concepts. 

Read Together: Jazz Baby #1

Have children close their eyes and listen to a short jazz recording before you read the story Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler. 

“Shake Your Sillies Out”

Sing songs to help give toddlers positive ways to express their emotions and to help build their emotional vocabulary. Create verses to go along with what toddlers are feeling.

Sing Together: “Abiyoyo Is a Giant”

Have children vary the pitch as they sing and act out the song “Abiyoyo Is a Giant.”  

Sing Together: “Listen, Listen, Little Ears” #1

Teach children a song about listening and invite them to sing along with you.

Sing Together: “The Wheels on the Bus” #3

Discuss how a bus moves from place to place on wheels and then sing a song about a bus and act out the motions.

Sing Together: “Traffic Light”

Sing a song about traffic lights focusing on the different colors and their meanings.

Songs for Routines and Transitions

Play or sing simple songs during daily routines or transition times. Babies will begin to recognize the songs and connect them to specific routines or transitions.

Talk Together: I Can Do It!

Review the story The Little Engine That Could. Have children share a time they were afraid to go down an inclined plane.

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