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Found 42 results. Showing 1 of 3 pages.

Action Songs

Sing songs with actions and gestures to help toddlers expand their vocabularies and practice concepts. 

Explore Together (indoors): Responding to Sound

Invite children to create their own music by responding to the sounds they hear indoors. Provide various materials and help children identify and imitate sounds.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #3

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card as children “grow” like a plant. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning” #1

Sing a greeting song and have the group acknowledge each child by name.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning” #4

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card for each child to recognize his or her name. 

Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #4

Sing “Here We Are Together” with children as they hold up their name cards when they hear their name in the song.

Greeting Song: “I See Someone” #3

Sing the greeting song to three children at a time and clap the parts in their names. Identify whose name was called first, next, and last.

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #1

Sing the greeting song and signal to one child and have the whole class greet him or her. 

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #2

Hold up a name card in the last line of the greeting song "Will You Be A Friend Of Mine" and have everyone greet that child. 

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #5

Have children discuss and choose how they would like to sing the greeting song.

Nature's Music

Sit quietly outside with one or two toddlers and listen to sounds together. Talk and sing about the sounds you hear.  

Play Together: "Alphabet Hokey Pokey"

Have children review the letters “Oo,” “Ss,” “Nn,” and “Qq” as they sing “Alphabet Hokey Pokey” with you.

Play Together: “Color Hokey Pokey”

Have children play a game and dance about colors.

Play Together: Growing Seeds

Play soft music and have children act out moving like a plant as it grows.

Play Together: “The Cook in the Kitchen”

Sing the song “The Cook in the Kitchen” as children play the game and become ingredients in the bee-bim bop.  

Read Together: Jazz Baby #1

Have children close their eyes and listen to a short jazz recording before you read the story Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler. 

Read Together: Jazz Baby #2

Children imagine they are listening to the music in the story Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler as you read it aloud.

Read Together: My Family Plays Music #1

Read a book about a family that likes to make music with many different musical instruments. Help children make connections to the book.

“Shake Your Sillies Out”

Sing songs to help give toddlers positive ways to express their emotions and to help build their emotional vocabulary. Create verses to go along with what toddlers are feeling.

Sing Together: “Abiyoyo Is a Giant”

Have children vary the pitch as they sing and act out the song “Abiyoyo Is a Giant.”  

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