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Found 19 results.

Color Mix

Playing with paints is a great way to let your toddler express herself, experiment, and have fun.

Colors, Shapes, and More

Nonfiction for toddlers? Yes! Concept books about shapes, colors, numbers, and other topics, helps your child learn about the world around her.

Cooking with Math

When your toddler helps you cook, he’s also learning math!

Everyday Toys

Toys don’t have to be fancy or store-bought to bring hours of entertainment for your toddler.

Let’s Pretend

Playing pretend games is a great way to learn and practice new words with your toddler.

Look in the Mirror

A mirror is a great way to talk about what your toddler sees, make silly faces, and name things!

Math by the Book

Reading counting books together helps your toddler enjoy and understand math.

Music Makers

Hum, sing, whistle—what other ways can you make music? Try simple, homemade instruments, too!

Noisy Reading!

For active toddlers, find books that that they can touch-and-feel, scratch-and-sniff, and lift up flaps and windows.

Packing for a Picnic

Planning a picnic together involves lots of early math concepts.

Play Write

Make writing part of your toddler’s pretend games, from make-believe shopping lists to party invitations.

Poetry in Motion

Nursery rhymes and poetry for little ones offer rich language, new words, and patterns of language.

Puppet Play

Puppets are wonderful toys for building your toddler’s talking and listening skills—and playing with puppets is a great excuse to get silly!


Help your toddler draw his own, life-sized self-portrait!

Sort It Out

Sorting by color, size, texture, or any other category helps your toddler learn how things are alike or different.

Talk and Go

Prepare for new experiences by talking about what is going to happen. Afterwards, talk about what you saw, heard, and did.

Theme Music

Pick a “theme” song to help your toddler make transitions throughout the day.

What Happens If . . .

With a few pans or buckets, your toddler-scientist can experiment and explore!

Writing with Stuff

Find new and interesting things to write with—from soap to water to…mud!

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