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  • Water

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  • Water



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  • 20-30


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  • 3-5 Years




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  • 20-30


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  • 3-5 Years



Found 12 results.

Draw and Write Together: Boat Characters

Have each child choose a boat character in Toy Boat and continue the story.

Explore Together (indoors): Balls: Float or Sink?

Test children’s predictions and have them record which balls float and which ones sink.

Explore Together (indoors): Boats Afloat

Challenge children to make a boat that will hold the biggest load and still float on the water.

Explore Together (indoors): Drop Size and Shape

Have children explore how water drops behave on different surfaces.   

Explore Together (indoors): How Much Weight?

Continue to explore how much weight their boats can hold and still float using various materials.   

Explore Together (indoors): Introduce Water Drops

Have children explore squirting or dripping to make drops. Encourage them to notice how drops flow, drop size, shape, and how many.

Living Under Water

Help your child learn about animals that live in or around water by looking at pictures and imagining life under water.

Read Together: Row, Row, Row Your Boat #1

Read the story, focusing on words children might use in their explorations during the week.

Read Together: Row, Row, Row Your Boat #2

Reread the book. Point out the beavers building a dam.

Review the Week Together: Unit 9, Week 3

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review floating, sinking, balance, and boats, “Bb,” /b/, and boat.

Review the Week Together: Unit 9, Week 4

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review absorb, evaporation, water drops and drips, “Uu,” /u/, and up.

Small Group: Water Drop Races

Have children use eyedroppers to squirt and drip water drops on a smooth, vertical surface and compare how the drops flow.

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