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Found 388 results. Showing 1 of 20 pages.

“ABCD Watermelon” #1 (BTL game)

Children play Between the Lions “ABCD Watermelon”, an interactive game that asks them to choose what letter comes next.

Above Ground or Underground

Fill the table with sand or dirt and have children dig for plants. Have them decide which plants belong above ground and which ones belong underground. 

Beautiful “B”

Have children trace the letter “B” onto their paper. Remove the stencil and have them decorate the page.

Build a (“Cc”)

Children build a large "C" with blocks by following a template taped to the floor.

Build a Letter (“Bb”)

Invite children to make the letter “Bb” with blocks. Have them count the number of blocks they use.

Build a Letter (“Nn”)

Invite children to make the letter “Nn” with blocks. Draw outlines of each letter for children to refer to as they work.

Build a Letter (“Pp”)

Invite children to build the letter “Pp” with blocks.

Build a Letter (“Qq”)

Invite children to make the letter “Q” with blocks. Draw outlines of each letter for children to refer to as they work.

Build a Letter (“Ww”)

Invite children to make the uppercase and lowercase “Ww” with blocks.

Build a Structure

Have children work in pairs to build a structure of colored blocks.

Build a Word (seed)

Have children build the word “seed” with blocks. Guide them to use curved blocks (arches) or make curves from small square blocks for the letters “s” and “e.”

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Role-Play

Have children act out the story of an alphabet climbing a coconut tree.

Decorate and Match Uppercase and Lowercase Letters

Have children decorate and match pairs of uppercase and lowercase letters.

Decorate (“C”)

Cut out a large lowercase letter “c” for children to decorate together.

Decorate (“Yy”)

Distribute a large yellow uppercase and lowercase letter "Yy” to each child to decorate.

Dig for Letters

Have children dig in the beans for hidden uppercase and lowercase alphabet letters.

Dots of "D"

Give each child a letter “D” cutout and have them decorate it with various art materials.

Draw and Write Together: Fiesta Foods

Describe a fiesta and make a “Fiesta Foods” book by having children draw pictures of plant foods that begin with the letter “F.”

Draw and Write Together: My Name

Help children identify the letters in their name.

Draw and Write Together: Our Green Poem

Write a class poem about the color green.

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