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Found 10 results.

Across the Middle

Practice hand and arm motions that go across a baby’s middle to help build muscles and skills that prepare them for writing.

All About ME

Make each child a “Book About ME” with family photos and magazine pictures of favorite things. Encourage family members to read the book with their child.

Make Your Mark

Have babies explore different materials with their hands, feet, fingers, and toes to help them exercise their pre-writing muscles.

Painting and Writing Fun

Give toddlers various tools to explore for drawing, painting, and writing to help them build pre-writing muscles and skills.

Play Write

Make writing part of your toddler’s pretend games, from make-believe shopping lists to party invitations.

Ready, Set, Squeeze!

Holding objects in his hands and squeezing them is good practice for when your baby eventually holds crayons, markers, and pencils.

Use Your Hands

Play hand and finger games with babies during regular routines to help them strengthen small motor muscle and learn to use their hands.

Write Stuff

When you write something, invite your baby to join in by giving her a crayon and piece of paper.  

Write! Write! Write!

Include children in writing activities—create environmental print, make charts and signs for pretend play, or write notes to family members together.

Writing with Stuff

Find new and interesting things to write with—from soap to water to…mud!

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