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Found 19 results.

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 6, Week 1

Encourage children to select books that interest them and to look at the words and pictures on their own or with other children.

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 6, Week 2

Ask children to select a version of The Three Little Pigs that interests them and to look at the words and pictures on their own or with other children. 

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 6, Week 3

Have children select their favorite version of The Three Little Pigs to read on their own or with a partner. Have them explain why it is their favorite version.

Play Together: Match the Tool

Point to a tool in Tap Tap Bang Bang and call out a child’s name. Have that child find the tool that matches the picture and act out using the tool.  

Read Together: Alphabet Under Construction #1

Comment on the different tools used to construct the letters of the alphabet in the story.

Read Together: Alphabet Under Construction #2

Reread the book and have children create their own alphabet charts with letters they cut from magazines.

Read Together: Building a House #1

Read Building a House by Byron Barton with children. Have children talk about the sequence of steps builders follow to construct a house.

Read Together: Building a House #2

Read Building a House. Focus on the different steps the builders took to build a house and compare it to the steps the children took in building their houses.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 6, Week 2

Read aloud The Three Little Javelinas, another version of The Three Little Pigs, or a new book about building.  

Read Together: Houses and Homes

Read Houses and Homes by Ann Morris. Focus on the materials used to build houses and how the materials vary because of where people live in the world.

Read Together: Tap Tap Bang Bang #1

Have children compare the tools in the book to the tools in Building a House.

Read Together: Tap Tap Bang Bang #2

Read the story again and focus on the tools and the sequence they have in building the kart.

Read Together: Tell the Truth, B. B. Wolf #1

Read another story about the three little pigs. Explain that this book tells the big bad wolf’s side to the story.

Read Together: Tell the Truth, B. B. Wolf #2

Reread the story and have children identify the tools in the book.

Read Together: The Three Little Javelinas #1

Read another version of the folktale The Three Little Pigs. Compare this story to other versions.

Read Together: The Three Little Javelinas #2

Reread The Three Little Javelinas by Susan Lowell. Help children make connections between the pigs’ houses and structures they have built.

Read Together: The Three Little Pigs #1

Read aloud The Three Little Pigs by Paul Galdone. Prompt children to think about the materials the pigs used to build the houses.

Read Together: The Three Little Pigs #2

Read the folktale and discuss what makes it a make-believe story.

Read Together: The Three Little Pigs #3

Reread The Three Little Pigs. Have children focus on the order of events in the story.

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