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Found 8 results.

Draw and Write Together: “I Am a Fine Musician”

Teach children the song “I Am a Fine Musician.” Reinforce the directionality of print by using a written chart of the lyrics.

Read Together: Jazz Baby #1

Have children close their eyes and listen to a short jazz recording before you read the story Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler. 

Recite Together: “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” #1

Recite the poem “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” with motions. Invite children to join you in reciting and acting out the sound words.

Recite Together: “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” #2

Reread the poem “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby.” Divide children into groups: have one group recite through a tube, and others do the action.

Recite Together: “Violet in the Crib”

Recite the poem “Violet in the Crib” two or three times aloud while stressing the rhythm and the sound words. 

Sing Together: “Abiyoyo Is a Giant”

Have children vary the pitch as they sing and act out the song “Abiyoyo Is a Giant.”  

Talk Together: High and Low

Recite a poem to demonstrate and talk about the concepts of volume and pitch. Facilitate a discussion on sounds with high and low pitches.

Word Play: Finish the Rhyme

Have children make different sounds as they complete a rhyming chant. 

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