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Found 220 results. Showing 1 of 11 pages.

Action Songs

Sing songs with actions and gestures to help toddlers expand their vocabularies and practice concepts. 

All Kinds of Music

Listen to different kinds of music with babies. Sing and dance with babies or plan group sing-alongs to get them moving, learning, and having fun. 

Back and Forth, Up and Down

Move a baby’s arms up and down and back and forth or count his fingers and toes as you use songs, chants, and nursery rhymes to introduce patterns and counting games.

Explore Together (indoors): More Shake and Listen

Have children predict which objects make the loudest sounds. Facilitate children’s explorations.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 1, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 1, #2

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 2, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 2, #2

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 3, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 3, #2

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #1

Sing the greeting song and have children clap the syllables of his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #10

Have the class clap the syllables in a child’s name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #2

Sing the greeting song, hold up a name card, and have child clap the syllables in his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #3

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card as children “grow” like a plant. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #4

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card. Have children clap the syllables in the name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #5

Sing the song and have a child clap his or her name alone and then have all children join in. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #6

Have a child jump up for each part of his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #7

Sing the greeting song and have children clap the parts in their names. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #8

Sing the chant and let each child choose whether to clap or hop the syllables in his or her name.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #9

Sing the greeting song and have a child clap a friend’s name. Repeat until every child is included.

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