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Found 11 results.

3-D Houses

Have children build three-dimensional houses with boxes for the three little pigs. Glue straw on the first box, sticks on the second box, and red paper squares on the third box.

Beautiful “B”

Have children trace the letter “B” onto their paper. Remove the stencil and have them decorate the page.


Show the blueprint in Building a House by Byron Barton. Have children draw a blueprint for a building they would like to build.

Compare Story Murals

Create a mural about The Three Little Javelinas. Display the mural near the one you made last week to compare the settings.

Draw and Write Together: Retell The Three Little Javelinas

Have children use puppets to retell the story.

Letter Search and Collage (“Tt”)

Have children cut out the letters “Tt” in magazines and glue them onto construction paper.

My Home

Have children draw pictures of the inside or outside of their homes. Let children draw, write, or dictate a caption to put under their drawings.

My Kind of House

Invite children to draw the house they would like to build. Have them dictate or write labels or captions.

Neighborhood Houses and Buildings

Take a walk with your child and talk about different shapes, textures, and materials you notice on the houses and buildings.

Paper Bag Vests

Help children make paper bag construction-worker vests and safety signs to create “construction sites” for when they are building structures.

Sandy Desert Paintings

Invite children to paint desert pictures. Allow them to shake sand onto their artwork.

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