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  • Plants

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  • Plants



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  • 3-5 Years




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  • 3-5 Years



Found 27 results. Showing 1 of 2 pages.

Explore Together (indoors): Different Bulbs

Explore different types of bulbs. Have children record observations.

Explore Together (indoors): Grass Seeds

Have children plant grass seeds and record changes in previously planted seeds.

Explore Together (indoors): How Did It Grow?

Have children observe, record, and discuss the changes in the seeds and bulbs they planted.

Explore Together (indoors): Introduce Seeds

Have children observe, compare, and sort seeds into different categories.

Explore Together (indoors): Look Inside Fruits

Examine the seeds in three different fruits. Encourage children to draw, write, or dictate their observations to compare the seeds.  

Explore Together (indoors): Measuring Plants

Measure plants using nonstandard measurement tools and have children record their measurements.

Explore Together (indoors): More Measuring Plants

Have children measure the plants and compare their results to the measurements they took in earlier weeks.

Explore Together (indoors): More Plant and Soil Changes

Have the groups switch areas so children explore both the worm habitat and their plants.

Explore Together (indoors): Our Growing Seeds and Bulbs

Have children observe their growing plants. Instruct them to use their science notebooks to draw their plants.

Explore Together (indoors): Plant and Soil Changes

Determine two groups to have children explore the worm habitat or their plants with magnifying lenses.

Explore Together (indoors): Record Plant Changes

Explore the seeds and bulbs children planted last week. Have them record changes they see in the growing plants.

One-on-One Reading: Vegetable Garden #4

Read aloud Vegetable Garden to individuals or small groups. Discuss how the garden changes in the different seasons.

Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 1

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week. 

Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 2

Say some words and have children repeat back the /g/ sound at the beginning of the words.

“Round and Round” (PEEP game)

Invite children to play PEEP and the Big Wide World “Round and Round” game.

Seed Museum

Create a seed museum and invite children to visit the museum with friends and compare and discuss seeds.

Seed Search

Take an outdoor walk with your child and collect seeds (flowers, trees, bushes, etc.). Explore, sort, and compare your seed collection.

Small Group: Create an Underground Environment

Discuss how worms help plants meet their needs. Then set up a worm habitat with children.

Small Group: Explore Trees

Discuss parts of a tree. Go outside and have children compare and explore trees.

Small Group: Plant Leaves

Have children observe and compare the leaves of their bean, grass, and onion bulb plants.

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