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Found 17 results.

Greeting Song: “Hola Greeting Song” #1

Sing the greeting song, hold up three name cards and greet those children by name. Repeat until every child is included.

Learn About Letters Together: “Here We Go Round the Alphabet”

Sing “Here We Go Round the Alphabet” and have children walk around a circle of the alphabet letters. 

Play Together: Say It with Dance

Show children pictures of faces showing different emotions.  Ask children to move in a way that shows that emotion.

Play Together: “Show Us What Your Instrument Can Do”

Gather children with their rubber-band instruments. Sing the song, “Show Us What Your Instrument Can Do”
 and have children demonstrate making sounds.

Sing Together: “Climb On!”

Discuss the children’s experiences on sleds. Sing the song about a sled.

Sing Together: “Down by the Bay”

Sing the song and invite children to suggest other silly verses with rhyming words.

Sing Together: “Fish Is Waiting”

Sing the song, naming objects and asking children to predict whether it will float or sink.

Sing Together: “I’m a Little Brown Seed” #1

Sing and act out the song to help children practice patience.

Sing Together: “Johnny Works with One Hammer”

Review the different tools builders use to build a house. Sing the song and act out hammering a nail for each verse.

Sing Together: “Keep on Trying”

Have children make comparisons as you reread the story The Little Engine That Could. Sing the song “Keep on Trying.”

Sing Together: “Old MacDonald Grew Some Plants”

Sing the song and encourage children to suggest other plants for additional verses.

Sing Together: “Opposite Song”

Discuss opposites and sing the song. Prompt children to provide the opposite words in the song.

Sing Together: “What Aroma Do I Smell?”

Review the word aroma and sing the song. Have children name a food smell they love.

Talk Together: Lullabies

Have children close their eyes as you play or sing a soothing lullaby and then talk about how it makes them feel.

Talk Together: Move to Music

Talk about some of the music the children have been listening to together. Play some music and invite children to move to the music.

Talk Together: Musical Instruments

Have children listen to music and name instruments they hear.

Watch Together: “Rocket-Doodle-Doo” #2 (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Rocket-Doodle-Doo.” Have children name the /r/ words in the video.

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