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Found 43 results. Showing 2 of 3 pages.

Greeting Song: “If Your Name Has One Word Part” #5

Sing the song in random number order until all children have been recognized.

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #4

Stand in a circle and sing the greeting song. Shake each child’s hand and say his or her name.

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #5

Sing the greeting song and hold up name cards. Have each child stand up and say his or her name.

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #6

Sing the greeting song. Name one child and let him or her choose the next until all children have had a turn.

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #7

Sing the greeting song and hold up name cards. Have those children say their names and clap the word parts. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #8

Have children decide which way they want to sing the song.

Greeting Song: “We’re Happy You Are Here” #4

Hold up three name cards and sing the greeting song to those three children. Repeat until everyone is included.

Greeting Song: “We’re Happy You Are Here” #5

Hold up three name cards and have those children recognize and say their names. Repeat until every child has been recognized.

Recite Together: “A Sailor Went to Sea”

Explain the difference between sea and see. Recite the chant and have children clap hands on each beat.

Recite Together: “Big and Small”

Recite the poem and have children act out the motions.

Recite Together: “Busy Beaver”

Recite the poem “Busy Beaver” and invite children to act it out.

Recite Together: “Five Little Piggies”

Chant the poem and do the hand motions with children.

Recite Together: “Silly, Silly Mrs. McNosh”

Read the poem “Silly, Silly Mrs. McNosh.” Invite children to recite it with you.

Recite Together: “Ten Little Water Drops”

Recite the poem with gestures. Invite children to make up new gestures to show how the water drops moved.

Recite Together: Who, Me?

Recite the chant after reading Who Sank the Boat? and invite children to join in.

Sing Together: “Down by the Bay”

Sing the song and invite children to suggest other silly verses with rhyming words.

Sing Together: “Fish Is Waiting”

Sing the song, naming objects and asking children to predict whether it will float or sink.

Sing Together: “Opposite Song”

Discuss opposites and sing the song. Prompt children to provide the opposite words in the song.

Sing Together: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”

Divide children into two groups and sing the song as a round.

Sing Together: “This Is the Way We Wash Our Faces”

Sing the song and act out the motions with children. Then invite them to add additional verses.

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