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Found 45 results. Showing 2 of 3 pages.

Recite Together: “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” #1

Recite the poem “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” with motions. Invite children to join you in reciting and acting out the sound words.

Sing Together: “Abiyoyo Is a Giant”

Have children vary the pitch as they sing and act out the song “Abiyoyo Is a Giant.”  

Sing Together: “Alphabet Hokey Pokey” #1

Gather children in a circle. First teach children the traditional song and motions. Then hand out plastic letters and sing the song for a particular letter.

Sing Together: “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”

Sing “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt” with children. Vary the volume of the verse each time you sing and sing the chorus loudly.

Sing Together: “Looby Loo”

Invite children to hold hands and form a circle.  Teach the dance song “Looby Loo” and have the children sing and dance.

Sing Together: “My Mom Makes Music”

Teach children a chant, “My Mom Makes Music.” Invite children to pluck their guitar each time they hear a word beginning with the /m/ sound.

Small Group: High and Low Material Sounds

Have children use various materials instead of their voices to continue exploring high and low sounds. Encourage children to work in pairs and to take turns.

Small Group: Making Group Music

In preparation for Music Day, have children listen to music and perform it in a group. Encourage small groups to try different volumes, pitches, and instruments.

Small Group: Making Music

Continue sharing and exploring making music in small groups. Invite the class as a group to give a concert of the sounds they made.

Small Group: More Tube Talk

Join small groups of children as they continue to explore listening and talking with tubes at the Math and Science Center.  Help them explore vibrations as well.

Small Group: New Rubber Band Guitar

Have children join you in making rubber band guitars.

Small Group: Rubber Band Guitars

Have children continue plucking the rubber band guitars and watching the rubber bands move and vibrate.  Talk about other things that vibrate to make sound.

Small Group: Tube Sounds

Join small groups of children as they explore listening with tubes at the Science and Math Center. Engage them in conversation and notice what captures their attention.

Talk Together: Feeling the Music

Talk about how different music can make you feel happy, sad, or even silly. Play a piece of music and ask children how they feel.

Talk Together: High and Low

Recite a poem to demonstrate and talk about the concepts of volume and pitch. Facilitate a discussion on sounds with high and low pitches.

Watch Together: “Lions Jabber, Jig, Jog” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Lions Jabbering, Doing a Jig, and Jogging.” Pause to explain the words jabber, jig, and jog as you watch the video.

Watch Together: “Ruby Sings the Blues” (BTL show) #2

Watch the Between the Lions video “Ruby Sings the Blues” again. Ask children to focus on how people in Ruby’s life feel about her volume.

Watch Together: “Tuning Up” (BTL clip)

Have children watch the Between the Lions clip “Poem: Tuning Up” to review some sound and music vocabulary.

Watch Together: “Violet’s Music” (BTL show)

Play the Between the Lions show “Violet’s Music." Have the book on display and allow children to recall events in the story before viewing.

Watch Together: “What Instrument Does Alvin Play?” (BTL show)

Watch a Between the Lions video about different musical instruments, then discuss the various instruments and their sounds.

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