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Found 64 results. Showing 2 of 4 pages.

Recite Together: “Feelings”

Recite the rhyme “Feelings” with children and ask them to act out the feeling words as you read them the rhyme.

Recite Together: “Over, Under, Around, and Through”

Have work with a buddy to go over, under, around, and through a hoop as you recite “Over, Under, Around, and Through.” 

Recite Together: “The Grand Old Duke of York”

Discuss opposite words up and down as you recite “The Grand Old Duke of York” with children.

Recite Together: “The Slide”

Use the rhyme, “The Slide” to reinforce the concept of moving down a slide. Have children act out the motions.

Review the Week Together: Unit 5, Week 1

Display the read-aloud books, children’s artwork, writing, and charts. Talk about what children learned this week, including their work in the Centers.

Review the Week Together: Unit 5, Week 2

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week as you review ramps, slides, and trackways, “Uu,” /u/, and up.

Sing Together: “The Wheels on the Bus” #3

Discuss how a bus moves from place to place on wheels and then sing a song about a bus and act out the motions.

Small Group: Body Ramps

Have children make body ramps with their legs, arms, and different body parts. Then have them objects down their ramps.

Small Group: Ramp Drawings

Have children illustrate the ramp constructions they built. Encourage them to represent the movement of the objects on the ramps in their drawings.

Small Group: Ramp Races

Have children work with partners to build a ramp and “race” objects down the ramp and describe how the objects move differently down the ramp.

Small Group: Ramp Track Paintings

Have children create ramp paintings using balls dipped in paint and ramps.

Small Group: Sort Roll, Slide, or Stay Put

Sort objects based on how they move down ramps.

Talk Together: Building Ramps

Review with children their experiences building ramps and rolling and sliding objects down the ramps.

Talk Together: Building Trackways

Talk with children about their experiences building ramps and trackways and rolling a ball so it travels the entire distance of the track.

Talk Together: Down the Ramp

Introduce the concept of inclined planes by constructing a ramp. Have children predict how objects will move down the ramp.

Talk Together: Even Steeper

Review with children what happens when they increase the steepness of a ramp. Guide the discussion with photographs or videos taken during the week.

Talk Together: How Does It Feel?

Have children take turns feeling a variety of textures of different materials and compare the textures.

Talk Together: I Can Do It!

Review the story The Little Engine That Could. Have children share a time they were afraid to go down an inclined plane.

Talk Together: In Order

Explore ordinal numbers. Have children pick a number card 1–5 and stand on the matching number on a number line. 

Talk Together: Introduce Ramps

Introduce ramps by having children move a block without touching it. Demonstrate how things move down a slanted plane.

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