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Found 55 results. Showing 2 of 3 pages.

Draw and Write Together: Updating Our Science Notebooks

Have children draw a picture in their science notebooks and dictate an entry to go with the picture.

Draw and Write Together: Using Ramps

Have children dictate, write, or draw to illustrate a way in which ramps are used.

Draw and Write Together: We Did It!

Ask children to think of something they were afraid to do the first time. Have children draw a picture of them doing the task.

Draw and Write Together: We Went Walking #1

Construct a rebus chart with children of sounds they heard on their listening walk.

Draw and Write Together: What Made That Sound?

Ask children to recall a sound they heard during the day and have them draw a picture of the source of the sound.

Draw and Write Together: “Worms” Chart

Have children draw and dictate or write a fact they learned about how worms help plants.

Explore Together (indoors): Music Mural #1

Play a piece of music and ask children to paint how they feel.  Turn the volume up and down as they paint.

Explore Together (indoors): Music Mural #2

Play a piece of music that contrasts the previous day’s piece.  Have children repeat the exercise of painting how they feel.

Favorite Sounds

Have children draw pictures about their favorite sounds.  Ask questions about their drawings and write what they tell you under their picture.

Feel the Music

Play a piece of music and have children talk about how the music makes them feel.  Ask them to draw how they feel.

Fruit and Vegetable Faces

Show the face made from fruits and vegetables in Eating the Alphabet. Have children create their own fruit and vegetable faces. 

Fruit and Vegetable Still Life

Have children make a still life painting of a fruit or vegetable. Encourage them to carefully observe the shape and color of their plant. 

Fun in the Tub

Have children draw a favorite scene from Ten Dirty Pigs/Ten Clean Pigs and include water drops to indicate things that are wet in their drawing.

Helping Hands

Help children trace their handprints and have each child draw, dictate, or write on way he or she helps takes care of plants during the day. 

I Like to Make Music

Have children draw some of the ways they like to make music.  Have children dictate a sentence to include at the bottom of the picture.

Listening Pictures

Children draw a portrait of themselves listening to a sound and draw the object that is the source of the sound. 

Loud and Quiet Book

Have children make their own books about things that are loud and things that are quiet.  Children will share their book with the class on Day 5.

Make Your Mark

Have babies explore different materials with their hands, feet, fingers, and toes to help them exercise their pre-writing muscles.

Musical Murals

Play different types of music and have children paint to the music.  Display the paintings and the names of the artists.

My Favorite Sound

Have children draw a picture that features their favorite sound and then dictate or write a description.

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