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Found 60 results. Showing 2 of 3 pages.

Play Together: Colorful Chairs

Play musical chairs and have children name the color circle on their chair. 

Play Together: “Paint Splat” #1 (PEEP game)

Have children play an interactive online game and mix paints to match colors.

Play Together: “Red Light! Green Light!”

Discuss traffic lights and play a game allowing children to "stop" on red and "go" on green. 

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 2, Week 1, #1

Read a book about color focusing on shades of the color blue.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 2, Week 1, #2

Read a book focusing on different colors and shades of colors.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 2, Week 3, #2

Read a book about color to review colors and mixing colors.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 2, Week 4

Read a book about color to reinforce the lessons from the week.

Read Together: Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue? #2

Read a book about colors and focus on the color yellow.

Read Together: Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue? #3

Revisit a book about colors and encourage children to discuss a favorite photograph.

Read Together: Mouse Paint BB

Read Mouse Paint with children, focusing on how the mice “blend” in with their background.

Read Together: Red Is a Dragon #1

Read about a young Chinese-American girl as she tells about the brightly colored objects of her Asian heritage.

Read Together: Spicy Hot Colors #1

Do a picture walk and point out color words in both English and Spanish.

Read Together: Spicy Hot Colors #2

Read a book about colors and have children name objects that are the same colors as those in the book.

Read Together: The Colors of Us

Read a book about a little girl who has friends with many different shades of skin color.

Sing Together: “Mice Mix Colors” #1

Sing a song while referring to the color-mixing chart to help children review mixing two colors.

Sing Together: “Mice Mix Colors” #2

Invite children to sing and act out the words to a song about mixing colors.

Sing Together: “Rainbow Song”

Sing a song about the rainbow, allowing children to play the part of one of the colors.

Sing Together: “Traffic Light”

Sing a song about traffic lights focusing on the different colors and their meanings.

Small Group: Color Categories

Have children sort and group shades of color.

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