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Watch Together: “Opposite Bunny: loud / quiet” (BTL clip)

Watch a short video about loud and quiet sounds, then replay the video and have children make loud and quiet sounds along with the video.

Watch Together: “Tracking Down Sounds” (PEEP live-action clip)

Have children watch the live-action video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Tracking Down Sounds” and encourage children to make connections to their own explorations.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: nut–nap–napkin” (BTL clip)

Watch a video clip about the letter “n” and have children repeat the words as they identify the "n" on the screen.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘q’” (BTL clip)

Show the video clip Between the Lions  “Words Beginning with ‘q’” and have children repeat the words during a second viewing.

Word Play: Plural Words

Use the book Bear Snores On to introduce children to regular singular and plural words.

Word Play: Rhyme Game: "night"

Help children identify and place objects in a bag that rhyme with the word night.  

Word Play: Rhyming Game: “Bear Snores On”

Play a rhyming game with children using the words from the book Bear Snores On.

Word Play: Rhyming Words #2

Read the book City Lullaby with children, focusing on the rhyming words. Pause and ask children to identify the rhyming words.

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