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Recite Together: “Willoughby Wallaby Wirt”

Sing the song and have children wiggle when they hear a /w/ sound.

Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 4

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review plant needs, underground environments, and gardening, “Ww,” /w/, and worms.

Sing Together: “Alphabet Hokey Pokey” #3

Ask children to move their letter “Gg” in and out of the circle when prompted by the song.

Sing Together: “I’m a Little Brown Seed” #1

Sing and act out the song to help children practice patience.

Sing Together: “Thank You, Worms”

Remind children how worms help plants. Have children sing the song to the class’s worms.

Sing Together: “The Boy Plants a Seed”

Sing the song to help children retell the story of The Carrot Seed.

Sing Together: “This Is the Way I Plant the Grains”

Sing the song to recall the sequence of events in the little red hen story. Act out each verse.

Talk Together: Bulbs

Introduce bulbs. Explore an onion bulb and an onion.

Talk Together: Comparing Plants

Have children compare different plants and flowers by using their senses.

Talk Together: More About Plant Helpers

Talk about plant needs. Introduce things in the underground environment that help plants meet their needs.

Talk Together: Observe Underground Changes

Revisit the worm habitat and discuss the changes that have taken place.

Talk Together: Plants Review

Review the activities children did this week. Have each child tell one thing he or she learned about plants.

Talk Together: Seeds, Seeds, Seeds #1

Review the farm visit. Reinforce that a seed will grow into the parent plant it came from.

Talk Together: Space to Grow

Discuss how plants need a larger area to grow in as they get bigger.

Watch Together: “Experimenting with Seeds” (PEEP live-action clip)

Play the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Experimenting with Seeds.” Compare the video’s experiment to the children’s experiment with seeds.

Watch Together: “Fred Says: kazoo” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Fred Says: kazoo.” Have children listen for /k/ sound and look for the letter “k.”

Watch Together: “Fred Says: sing” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Fred Says: sing” and have children identify the letter “s.”

Watch Together: “Lions Wiggling” (BTL clip)

Watch the video Between the Lions “Lions Wiggling.” Have children wiggle along with the lion family as they demonstrate none, some, and all.

Watch Together: "The Carrot Seed" (BTL show)

Have children look for things a little boy does as he watches his seed grow in the Between the Lions "The Carrot Seed" video.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: gold–goose–gourd” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between The Lions “Word Morph: gold-goose-gourd.” Then challenge children to repeat the sentence, “Gus gets gourds from the garden.”

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