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Found 160 results. Showing 3 of 8 pages.

Heavy and Light

Set up two boxes: one labeled “Heavy” and one labeled “Light.” Have children sort various objects by weight. 

"Homemade Hills” (PEEP live-action clip)

Encourage active viewing and listening as children watch the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Homemade Hills.”

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 5, Week 2

Encourage children to select books that interest them and to look at the words and pictures on their own or with other children.

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 5, Week 3

Encourage children to select books that interest them and to look at the words and pictures on their own or with a partner.

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 5, Week 4

Encourage children to select books that interest them and to look at the words and pictures on their own or with other children.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Beginning Sound (/z/)

Help children learn the /z/ sound by having them come up with real or made-up words that begin with the /z/ sound.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Letter Sound (/d/)

Have children listen for words that begin with the letter sound /d/. Let children generate words.

Learn About Letters Together: Letter ("Hh") and Word (hill) Hunt

Reinforce recognition of the letter “Hh” and the word hill by having children hunt for them around the room.

Learn About Letters Together: Letters in Our Names (“Dd”)

Use the “Letters in Our Names” routine to help children find the letter “Dd” in children’s names.

Learn About Letters Together: Letters in Our Names (“Hh”)

Use the “Letters in Our Names” routine to help children find the letter “Hh” in children’s names.  

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Dd”)

Use the “Sandpaper Writing Routine” to help children begin to write the letter “Dd.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Ee”)

Use the “Sandpaper Writing Routine” to help children begin to write the letter “Ee.”

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Dd”) and Word (down)

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Dd” and the word down.

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Ee”) and Word (engine)

Use the “Target Letter and Word” routine to introduce children to the letter “Ee” and word (engine).

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Hh”) and Word (hill)

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Hh” and the word hill.

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Uu”) and Word (up) #1

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Uu” and the word up.

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Zz”) and Word (zoom)

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Zz” and the word zoom.

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letters (“Dd,” “Ee”) and Words (down, engine)

Reinforce recognition of the letters “Dd” and “Ee” and the words down and engine by having children hunt for them in the room.

Learn About Sounds Together: Letter Sound (/e/)

Have children listen for words that begin with the letter sound /e/. Encourage children to generate words.     

Measure Up

Have children choose a number block card and then measure that many blocks with string so that they can make inclines just the size that they want them.

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