
Found 48 results. Showing 3 of 3 pages.

Talk Together: Loud and Quiet

Create a chart listing loud and quiet sounds and discuss reasons for using loud or quiet voices.

Use Your Hands

Play hand and finger games with babies during regular routines to help them strengthen small motor muscle and learn to use their hands.

Word Play: Tracing (up)

Help children practice writing the word up.

Word Play: Writing (up)

Guide children to write the word up several times on their own.

Word Play: Writing Words

Help children practice writing the word dam.  

Write Stuff

When you write something, invite your baby to join in by giving her a crayon and piece of paper.  

Write! Write! Write!

Include children in writing activities—create environmental print, make charts and signs for pretend play, or write notes to family members together.

Writing with Stuff

Find new and interesting things to write with—from soap to water to…mud!

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