
Found 46 results. Showing 3 of 3 pages.

Talk Together: Flowers, Stems, and Roots

Talk about plant parts and how each part helps the plant grow.

Talk Together: Point to the Sound

Revisit the idea that every sound has a source. Introduce the idea that every sound travels one way, or in one direction.

Talk Together: Rainbow CDs

Help children create their own rainbows using CDs.

Talk Together: What Is a Scientist?

Talk about scientists and make connections to how children use some of the same skills as scientists. 

Taste Test

Make your child a “taste tester” as you prepare meals. Help her describe how foods smell, feel, look, and taste.

Watch Together: “A Peep of a Different Color” #1 (PEEP show)

Watch Peep, Quack, and Chirp as they discover what happens when different colors are mixed together.

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