
Found 130 results. Showing 3 of 7 pages.

Explore Together (indoors): Sorting Colors

Have children work together to sort crayons into different color groups.

Explore Together (indoors): Talking Through Tubes

Invite children to explore talking through tubes. Guide children to talk or sing without the tube first, then with the tube to compare the sounds.

Explore Together (indoors): Taste and Compare

Have children compare plant foods by having them taste, smell, feel, and look at fruits and vegetables.   

Explore Together (indoors): Using Building Materials

Allow children to freely explore the building materials. Invite them to make different structures they have learned about.  

Explore Together (indoors): Voice Volume

Have children focus on exploring volume and timbre with their voices, and then create patterns of sounds for others to repeat.

Explore Together (indoors): Walls and Roofs

Have children work in small groups to freely explore materials as they build different parts of a house.

Explore Together (outdoors): Animal Signs

Take children outside to explore plants and look for evidence that animals have been eating the plants.   

Explore Together (outdoors): Colored Light

Have children explore what happens to light cast through different transparent objects.

Explore Together (outdoors): Explore Float and Sink

Provide an assortment of objects for children to test whether they will float or sink. Have them record the results on a chart.

Explore Together (outdoors): Explore Nature

Explore nature outdoors with children.

Explore Together (outdoors): Exploring With Friends

Have children discuss being afraid of things and then explore animals that live in or around a tree.

Explore Together (outdoors): Free Ramp Exploration

Have children continue to explore ramps and how objects move down a ramp. Encourage children predict how an object will behave on a ramp.

Explore Together (outdoors): Indoor and Outdoor Plants

Have children make connections between the indoor and outdoor plants and continue to compare the parts of plants.  

Explore Together (outdoors): Make More Drops

Add new materials to explore with and have children continue to explore how water drops behave on different surfaces.

Explore Together (outdoors): Make Rainbows

Have children make and observe rainbows using water mist.

Explore Together (outdoors): Many Shades of Brown

Have children explore outside and look for brown things in nature.

Explore Together (outdoors): Measuring Up

Have children check and measure their sprouts. Then observe and measure the plants they repotted outside.

Explore Together (outdoors): More Soil Exploration

Have children work in groups as they continue to explore outdoor plants and soil.

Explore Together (outdoors): Outdoor Listening

Have children sit quietly outside and listen for the sounds around them and then explore the source of a sound.

Explore Together (outdoors): Outdoor Plant Parts

Take children outdoors to observe plant parts and draw their observations in their science notebooks.

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